What is Docker | what is docker used for | why Should we use docker

What is Docker | what is docker used for | why Should we use docker

docker is a platform that simplifies the process of building, running, managing and distributing applications. docker does this by virtualizing the operating system of the computer on which it is installed and running.

In a more simpler form, Docker is a containerization platform that packages your application and all its dependencies together in the form of a docker container to ensure that your application works seamlessly in any environment.

Containerization is simply a container or a package of all the required things which are needed in order to run the application. Let’s say its cpu, ram,memory etc.

In a way Docker is a bit like a virtual machine, but applications are served a bit differently compared to virtualization. In containerization software, applications will consume resources that are required by them to be run. No more than that resources will be used by applications.

Why should docker be the first choice?

There are a handful of reasons to switch over to Docker platform in order to run your application more efficiently.

Docker certainly uses system resources more efficiently and effectively.

Instances(Server) of applications running on docker use less memory than compared to the virtual machines. Hence, it will definitely help in cost savings of the server.

Docker enables the application portability.

Docker containers encapsulate everything an application needs to run (and only those things). they allow applications to be shuttled easily between environments.

Enhanced systems performance with Docker

Although virtual machines are an alternative to containers, the fact that containers do not contain an operating system. (whereas virtual machines do). Means that containers have much smaller footprints than virtual machines, are faster to create, and quicker to start.

Docker provides Compatibility and Maintainability.

It eliminates the much often used phrase “It works on my machine for once and all. docker provides a noble environment which everyone appreciates. In a technical jargon we often called parity. Parity, in terms of Docker, means that your images run the same no matter which server or whose laptop they are running on. Parity also means your production infrastructure will be more reliable and easier to maintain.

Multi-cloud Platform support

Every major cloud service provider, including giants like AWS, GCP and Microsoft Azure provides the support for docker platform on their servers and virtual machines that are hosted over clouds.


The last of these benefits of using docker is security. From a security point of view, Docker ensures that applications that are running on containers are completely segregated and isolated from each other, granting you complete control over traffic flow and management. No Docker container can look into processes running inside another container.

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