How To Generate SonarQube Authentication Token APi For Jenkins-DecodingDevOps

How To Generate SonarQube Authentication Token APi For Jenkins

In the following steps i will show how to generate sonarqube Authentication token api for jenkins. if you use sonarqube Authentication Token then no need to use your credentials like username and password to invoke sonar analysis on any projects. with the help this sonarqube api token we can invoke sonar analysis from remote. we can use this sonarqube token api to integrate with different tools like jenkins, rundeck, gitlab.

Generate SonarQube Authentication Token Api

After login to sonarqube go to my account

Generate SonarQube Authentication Token
click on my account Here you can see profile,security,notifications,projects

SonarQube Access Token
Click on security here you can see generate new token option
enter any name for your token and click on generate
it will generate sonarqube api token

SonarQube Api Token or User Token

How To Use SonarQube Api Token or User Token

in sonar properties we can use this token to invoke sonar analysis on any project. so we no need to pass username and password

in sonar properties there is one property called sonar.login, the value of sonar.login is our newly generated api token


you can also use this sonarqube token api for jenkins for sonar analysis.

  • How To Generate SonarQube Authentication Token
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  • sonarqube api token with jenkins
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  • jenkins sonarqube token api

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