Docker Interview Questions and Answers TOP 50

Docker interview questions and answers Top 50

Docker is the next step in evolution of Virtual Machines. Docker gives you everything you need to run an application/ service. Docker containers are the most efficient unit of application delivery. In the future all the running applications will be deployed into docker container so its better to know more about docker containers. In this post we will see top 5o docker interview questions and answers.

Docker interview questions and answers

What is a Docker?

Docker is a containerization platform which packages the application with all of the libraries, configuration files, dependencies and other necessary parts into standardized units called containers. Docker containers run on top of the host’s Operation system.

How to stop,start and restart the Docker container

stop the docker container with docker stop command

docker stop container_id

start docker container with docker start command

docker start container_id

restart the docker container with docker restart command
docker restart container_id

What is Docker image

Docker image is the source of Docker container. Docker images are used to create containers.
Docker image is a template of docker container.

How to create Docker containers

by using docker images we will create the docker containers. to create container from docker image we use docker run command.

docker run -itd image_name

Have used Docker in your past position?

Explain how you have used docker in your previuos porject. Explain how you have used Docker with other tools like ansible,jenkins and other CI/CD tools.

How to access docker application through browser?

we will map the docker container port with host port. So we can access the application in browser with by entering  host_ip:port

How to map ports in docker

with -p tag we can map the docker container port with host port.
docker run -itd -p 80:8080 jenkins/jenkins
here we mapped jenkins container port of 8080 with host port 80.



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